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  • The power of 1 - how focus got me to £10k a month

The power of 1 - how focus got me to £10k a month

I started down the path of entrepreneurship with big dreams and lofty goals.

I told myself: “I’m committed and you're ready to do the work.”

But then...reality hit.

The late nights dragged on, I second-guessed every new strategy, and those first sales were hard to come by.

Self-doubt started creeping in and suddenly, throwing in the towel didn’t seem so crazy.

This happened more times than I can count.

  • I have cried on my floor at 3 in the morning.

  • I have felt hatred and shame for myself and lack of success.

  • I have broken down from the stress too many times to count.

When we're struggling to gain momentum in business, giving up often feels like the easiest solution.

I get it.

Entrepreneurship is f**cking' hard.

  • “Who do you think you are to start a business?”

  • “You're just not cut out for this—not everyone can be an entrepreneur.”

  • “You'll never be successful, so why bother trying?”

I spoke to myself like this for years 👆

My inner critic got loud.

My bank account got low.

My self-confidence took a nosedive.

Before I knew it, I’d convinced myself that quitting was the only answer.

I think it was my brain's way of protecting me from pain and uncertainty.

“If I quit now, at least I can avoid more disappointment down the road, right?”


Here's the truth—the only way to succeed in business is to persist through failure.

If I hadn’t persisted. I would have quit right before I struck gold.

What separates the winners is those who picked themselves up each time, learned from their mistakes, and kept inching forward.

At least, that’s my perspective.


As a fresh entrepreneur, I found it tempting to try to pursue every opportunity and idea that came my way.

In my first years in business, I constantly jumped between different marketing strategies, revenue streams, and services to offer.

My energy was scattered, and so were my results.

It wasn't until I implemented focus that I finally broke through to consistent success. I lasered in on just 3 key skills:

  1. Mastering LinkedIn lead generation

  2. Developing a proven sales process

  3. Delivering LinkedIn marketing services

By pouring all my energy into getting exceptional at just these 3 things, my revenue grew exponentially within months.

The "power of 1" applies to so many aspects of entrepreneurship.

For instance, stick to:

  • 1 core offer versus diluting your efforts on multiple services

  • 1 ideal client avatar versus trying to appeal to everyone

  • 1 key messaging framework versus constantly changing your positioning

  • 1 weekly planning session versus if and when work

That is how breakthrough results happened for me.

I won't pretend this mental shift is easy.

But here are 3 mindset shifts that helped me silence my inner critic and continue pursuing my vision, even when it felt impossible:

  1. Focus on progress, not perfection. Rome wasn't built in a day. Celebrate small wins.

  2. Separate your self-worth from your net worth. You are so much more than your bank balance.

  3. Have compassion for yourself. Talk to yourself like a close friend.

In short: I built more self-compassion, shifted my mindset and got back in the game.

Here are 3 challenges I'd like you to take on with me over the next 30 days so we can build our resilience together:

  • Spend 15 minutes every morning visualising your future success in vivid detail. See your business thriving.

  • Commit to taking one small step forward in your business every single day, no matter how small.

  • When you catch yourself thinking of quitting, immediately redirect your focus to 3 things you're grateful for.

It won't be easy, but I know you're capable of incredible things! I'm right there with you. Now let's get this done.

Until next time,

Ethan Golding


If you have any questions or additional thoughts, feel free to reply to the email.